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New publication: The Archaeology of Sound, Acoustics and Music

Cajsa S. Lund has been a pioneer and a central voice in the interdisciplinary field of music archaeology since the ...
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Samuel Hellen’s songs: Comprehensive music project finished

For some years I have been involved in a fascinating and rewarding music project that has resulted in ...
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Video interview and improvisations

I Novgorod, during the  Slovisha festival in August my jew’s harp fellow reseacher Aksenti Beskrovny (Moscow) made an ...
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Impressions from the festival Slovisha in Novgorod

Back from Veliky Novgorod I am full of impressions after the Slovisha Musical Antiquities Festival, to which I ...
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Norwegian lyres!

Here is a glimpse into my pratical work with lyres. This winter I have worked with several instruments ...
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Thoughts on new Norwegian folk music in Finnish journal

In an article published in the Finnish journal Folk och musik I write about new directions in Norwegian folk ...
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«Norges lyder» is released and available

What did our forefathers and -mothers hear, in their places, in the countryside and in cities? What was ...
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The megaphone from the Kvalsund Ship presented in Barcelona

Earlier this month I participated in the European Association of Archaeologist’s 24th annual meeting, a huge conference with ...
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Conference in Austria on Music and Democracy

I spend a few late summer days in Austria, at the conference Participatory Approaches to Music & Democracy, organized ...
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Rural bells, Nes in Romerike

Yesterday I participated in a field recording session with the Norwegian Radio in Nes in Romerike for the radio ...
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Instrumental Advent Calendar #24: Lyre

Happy Christmas!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1iW5yXoOO4
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Instrumental Advent Calendar #23: Ocarina

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #22: Violin

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #21: Hulusi

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #20: Mouth bow

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #19: Mandolin

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #18: Lur

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #17: Oktave rebec

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #16: Bagpipe

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #15: Lithophone

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #14: One-row melodeon

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #13: Suona

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #12: Hardingfele

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #11: Munnharpe

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #10: Kankle

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #9: Elder pipe

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #8: Erhu

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #7: Bone flute

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #6: Langeleik

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #5: Hichiriki

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #4: Melodeon

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #3: Willow Flute

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #2: Hurdy-gurdy

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Instrumental Advent Calendar #1: Viola

Today it is 1st of December, and I hereby open the first door of my instrumental Advent calendar, consisting ...
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Bell ringing from the other side of the fjord

On some quiet Sunday mornings we can hear a distant bell sound, at our place Fjellstrand, at the western ...
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New article in new volume of Studien zur Musikarchäologie

My article ‘Jew’s Harps of Bone, Wood and Metal. How to Understand Construction, Classification and Chronology’ is based ...
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Musikkhistorisk folkeopplysning for Anno-tilhengere: Ingen spilte lyre i Norge på 1700-tallet (Norwegian only)

For fans av realityprogrammet Anno på NRK kan jeg herved opplyse om følgende: Svennestykket denne uka, å lage ...
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Join the Växjö Symposium! The Programme and online registration is available

The programme for the symposium in Växjö is now available, from the conference webpage at Linnaeus University. At ...
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International conference in Växjö in honour of Cajsa S. Lund

In cooperation with Linnaeus University I have initiated an international symposium in honour of the acclaimed Swedish music ...
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Ringing rock meets progressve rock on Gazpacho’s new album

Not everything one does as a music archaeologist and contemporary Stone Age musician are hidden and out of ...
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Finn Coren releases his new album På jorden et sted

Today the musician Finn Coren releases his album På jorden et sted – Utvalgte nordiske dikt (‘Somewhere on ...
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Medieval keyed fiddle found in Poland

During last week’s meeting at ICTMs Study on Music Archaeology (Biskupin, Poland) Polish researchers presented what appears to ...
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ICTM Study Group Conference in Poland

This week the 14th symposium of ICTMs Study Group on Music Archaeology is being held in the archaeological ...
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Rytmeforedrag på Sommerøya (Norwegian only)

Lørdag kl 1600 blir jeg å høre på elektronikafestivalen Sommerøya i Oslo, med et foredrag om fortidas rytmer. ...
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The Lyre Bridge from Skye on “The Day of Archaeology”

Today is "The day of Archaeology", which originated in England. In addition to that, Great Britain celebrates the ...
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My article in Aftenposten Historie is out!

Issue No. 5 of the popular magazine Aftenposten Historie is on sale today. There you will find my ...
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Folkemusikk uten taktbrudd på Foss (Norwegian only)

I dag hadde jeg gleden av å vikariere på Foss videregående skole i Oslo, for en hyggelig gjeng ...
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Ny bok om hardingfeledekor (Norwegian only)

Boka om hardingfelas dekor, som jeg har vært med å redigere, har endelig kommet ut. Boka ble lansert ...
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The sound of a hutong

Directly from Beijing: Here is the sound of a hutong, an early Saturday evening in 2015. Hutong is ...
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Lecture in Tianjin

Yesterday I gave a lecture at the Conservatory of Music in Tianjin. I was invited by my friend ...
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Jew’s harps from the Bronze Age!

I have now travelled for some days in the Northern parts of China. In Chifeng (Inner Mongolia) we ...
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On the way to China

Today I travel to China to give a lecture at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music – and to ...
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New bronze lur replicas

The trombonists Jens Chr. Kloster and Gaute Vikdal has arranged, in collaboration with the bronze caster Peter Jensen ...
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A warm welcome for Jordas skjulte toner

The book is now out and available on the market. The response so far has been overwhelming! Thanks ...
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Book launch

My book, Jordas skjulte toner. Musikk og instrumenter fra steinalder til vikingtid ("The Earth’s Hidden Tones. Music and ...
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Klokkesteiner, elgkjever og Granholtsang på P2 (Norwegian only)

I forbindelse med boka mi, Jordas skjulte toner. Musikk og instrumenter fra steinalder til vikingtid (som blir lansert ...
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Lyre from Norum Church

This summer I have worked with instrument building. One of the projects was to build a reconstruction of ...
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New article: Prehistoric sound, modern classification

What significance did various kinds of sound have for people in the distant past? How can we approach ...
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Cold and snow: A four-year memory

In January four years ago, a cold wave lay over Scandinavia and Europe. The newspapers and media were ...
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Musikk og tradisjon ute med nytt nummer (Norwegian only)

Norwegian: Musikk og tradisjon er ute med nytt nummer. Det gis ut av Norsk folkemusikklag i samarbeid med ...
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Bronze lurs revisited

The magnificent lurs of the Scandinavian Bronze Age have got a lot of attention from archaeologists as well ...
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Klokkestein i årboka Hardanger (Norwegian only)

Norwegian: 2013-utgaven av årboka Hardanger er nå ute på markedet. Der finner du blant annet en artikkel om klokkesteinen ...
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Extraordinarily early music

What is understood as old and early music is highly relative. It may be medieval music, baroque music ...
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Jew’s Harps in European Archaeology

The jew’s harp was one of the most popular instruments in the last millennium. Old lexical truths telling ...
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