Instrumental Advent Calendar #1: Viola
Today it is 1st of December, and I hereby open the first door of my instrumental Advent calendar, consisting of 24 days with 24 musical instruments of all kinds. About on third are instruments made by myself, while others come from other parts of the world. I wish you a peaceful Advent time!
New publication: The Archaeology of Sound, Acoustics and Music
Cajsa S. Lund has been a pioneer and a central voice in the interdisciplinary field of…
Samuel Hellen’s songs: Comprehensive music project finished
For some years I have been involved in a fascinating and rewarding music project that…
Video interview and improvisations
I Novgorod, during the Slovisha festival in August my jew’s harp fellow reseacher Aksenti Beskrovny…
Impressions from the festival Slovisha in Novgorod
Back from Veliky Novgorod I am full of impressions after the Slovisha Musical Antiquities Festival,…
Norwegian lyres!
Here is a glimpse into my pratical work with lyres. This winter I have worked…