A warm welcome for Jordas skjulte toner
The book is now out and available on the market. The response so far has been overwhelming!
Thanks to all who contributed to the book, and to those who came to the book launch of the Historical Museum in Oslo. It was a success, with a lot of people attending. It became a memorable evening, not at least because of the contributions from my friend and colleague Stefan Hagel. He took the trip from Vienna with his aulos, which he played and demonstrated.
In connection with the book launch I have participated in five radio programs in the NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation):
Museum, P2: http://radio.nrk.no/serie/museum/DKOS01004014/04-10-2014
Spillerom, P2: http://radio.nrk.no/serie/spillerom-hovedsending/MKMR06019214/28-10-2014#
Norgesglasset, P1: http://radio.nrk.no/serie/norgesglasset/DMPA01022114/06-11-2014
Østlandssendingen, P1: http://radio.nrk.no/serie/distriktsprogram-oestlandssendingen/DKOA02022214/06-11-2014
Jacobsen, P1+: http://radio.nrk.no/serie/jacobsen/DMPO24022414/10-11-2014
An excerpt from the book, the chapter on drums and percussion, was published at the web site ballade.no: http://www.ballade.no/sak/hjertets-rytme/
In addition there will be an article based on the book, in a later issue of edition of Aftenposten History, a magazine published by the newspaper Aftenposten.
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