Music archaeology
Cajsa S. Lund has been a pioneer and a central voice in the interdisciplinary field of music archaeology since the 1970s. Her work and ideas have influenced and motivated many scholars world wide. In this book European music archaeologists explore the archaeology of sound, acoustics and music with articles written in honour of Cajsa and her inspiring work. The…
Read MoreI Novgorod, during the Slovisha festival in August my jew’s harp fellow reseacher Aksenti Beskrovny (Moscow) made an interview with me. I talked about my research – mainly about my work with jew’s harps – but also some other things. I play as well, with Aksenty and Anton Kamenskiy. In addition, Aksenty published the sound…
Read MoreBack from Veliky Novgorod I am full of impressions after the Slovisha Musical Antiquities Festival, to which I had the privilege of being invited. For a long time it has been a dream to come to Novgorod, ever since I in the 1990s first heard about the magnificent finds of musical instruments from the excavations…
Read MoreHere is a glimpse into my pratical work with lyres. This winter I have worked with several instruments simultaneously. Some of them are new projects, while others are now finished after a long period of work, drying and rest. Among the instruments I have made is the lyre depicted at the well known stave church…
Read MoreEarlier this month I participated in the European Association of Archaeologist’s 24th annual meeting, a huge conference with lots of different topics and sessions. This time, in Barcelona, three of the sessions were devoted to music archaeology and archaeoacoustics. My paper was about communication at sea, a place without hard surfaces for reflection of sound waves. One…
Read MoreHappy Christmas!!
Read MoreMy article ‘Jew’s Harps of Bone, Wood and Metal. How to Understand Construction, Classification and Chronology’ is based on a paper from the 9th Symposium of ISGMA (International Study Group on Music Archaeology) in Berlin in 2014. It considers the relation between the two main types of jew’s harps: (1) the ‘idioglot’ or ‘lamellate’ versions,…
Read MoreFor fans av realityprogrammet Anno på NRK kan jeg herved opplyse om følgende: Svennestykket denne uka, å lage ei lyre, har svært lite eller ingenting med 1700-tallet å gjøre. Lyre ble spilt i århundrene før vikingtiden og i Norge kanskje fram til 12–1300-tallet. Nå er jeg ikke spesielt opptatt av historisk autentisitet. Litt slingringsmonn må…
Read MoreThe programme for the symposium in Växjö is now available, from the conference webpage at Linnaeus University. At this site you will also find the link for online registration. Or you can go directly to the registration page here:
Read MoreIn cooperation with Linnaeus University I have initiated an international symposium in honour of the acclaimed Swedish music archaeologist Cajsa S. Lund. It will take place in the University campus in Växjö the 18th and 19th of February 2016. We have invited speakers from several European countries. Keynote speaker will be Iain Morley, University of…
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