
«Norges lyder» is released and available

By Gjermund Kolltveit / November 23, 2018 /

What did our forefathers and -mothers hear, in their places, in the countryside and in cities? What was the meaning of the sounds? And what was the aural experience of places? The book Norges lyder: Stabbursklokker og storbykakofoni (‘The Sounds of Norway: Village Bells and Urban Cacophony’) which is now out, provides some answers to these…

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The megaphone from the Kvalsund Ship presented in Barcelona

By Gjermund Kolltveit / September 16, 2018 /

Earlier this month I participated in the European Association of Archaeologist’s 24th annual meeting, a huge conference with lots of different topics and sessions. This time, in Barcelona, three of the sessions were devoted to music archaeology and archaeoacoustics. My paper was about communication at sea, a place without hard surfaces for reflection of sound waves. One…

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Rural bells, Nes in Romerike

By Gjermund Kolltveit / June 1, 2018 /

Yesterday I participated in a field recording session with the Norwegian Radio in Nes in Romerike for the radio program  “Museum” on NRK P2. The theme will be rural bells, or food bells, as an example of sound and soundscapes in history. Nes in Romerike had a tradition of buklokker, as the bells were called there,…

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Bell ringing from the other side of the fjord

By Gjermund Kolltveit / March 28, 2017 /

On some quiet Sunday mornings we can hear a distant bell sound, at our place Fjellstrand, at the western side of Nesodden. This sound must come from west, from the other side of the Oslo Fjord, which is rather wide at this point. The churches of Nesodden is placed on the eastern side of our peninsula, hidden…

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The sound of a hutong

By Gjermund Kolltveit / April 18, 2015 /

Directly from Beijing: Here is the sound of a hutong, an early Saturday evening in 2015. Hutong is the name of the narrow streets found especially in Beijing. They are crowded with greens sellers, hairdressers, bicycle workshops, small restaurants and everything else you might need. People also live in the hutongs. The hutongs are the…

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New article: Prehistoric sound, modern classification

By Gjermund Kolltveit / August 18, 2014 /

What significance did various kinds of sound have for people in the distant past? How can we approach this question today? My article “Classification of Sound, Sound Tools, and Soundscapes” discusses some issues of sound, meaning and classification. It is based on a paper given at XII Nordic Theoretical Archaeology Group meeting in Oulu, Finland,…

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Cold and snow: A four-year memory

By Gjermund Kolltveit / January 7, 2014 /

In January four years ago, a cold wave lay over Scandinavia and Europe. The newspapers and media were full of headlines about this severe winter cold coming from Siberia. For those who prefer the cold and snowy winter to the wet and hot one, like this year’s winter so far, I here offer an aural…

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Klokkestein i årboka Hardanger (Norwegian only)

By Gjermund Kolltveit / December 8, 2013 /

Norwegian: 2013-utgaven av årboka Hardanger er nå ute på markedet. Der finner du blant annet en artikkel om klokkesteinen ved Aga, skrevet av Jarle K. Øvrehus og meg selv. Det er en stor steinblokk som står i Klokkesteinviki, nedenfor Agatunet i Ullensvang kommune. Steinen har virkelig en malmfull klang. Og den har en rekke store skålgroper,…

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